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    Holistic approach

    After many years of working for mainly American IT companies, they decided they needed a change and set up their own consulting firm in 2011. Extensive knowledge of the business sectors to which the firm provides its services is also a key factor.

    The company was initially established in Oslo in 2011. In 2015, it opened offices in Stockholm, Copenhagen and Helsinki.

    The company’s employees are specialists within their various fields, and new recruits must have at least five years’ experience as a specialist with other enterprises.

    In 2020, Adelis Equity Partners became the company’s majority shareholder. Joel Russ and Lene Sandvoll Stern from Adelis Equity Partners were elected to Kanari’s board of directors, which is now chaired by the highly experienced IT executive Magnus Sjøqvist.

    Clients and industries

    The company currently has around 400 clients, primarily in the fields of finance, trade and industry, IT, communication and energy. Kanari aims to continue growing in the Nordic market and plans to establish a presence in selected markets in continental Europe. The company will remain one of the best partners for CIOs, CTOs and CFOs in the Nordic region’s largest companies. With insight and advice, Kanari will help its customers to deliver on selected KPIs and obtain a sound basis for deciding whether to establish and further develop stable, secure and cost-effective systems.

    Get in touch

    Would you like to know how Kanari can increase the value of your IT systems?
    Send us an e-mail or fill in the form below and we will get in touch.