Kanari’s privacy policy

Data controller

Kanari, in the person of its CEO, is the data controller for the company’s processing of personal data. This policy contains information that you have a right to receive about how we collect data from our website (see section 19 of the Norwegian Data Protection Act) and general information about how we process personal data (see section 18.1 of the Norwegian Data Protection Act).


What personal data do we process?

Kanari processes personal data to fulfil agreements with clients, suppliers and partners. Personal data will not be stored for longer than is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it is being processed or meet statutory obligations. Kanari does not share personal data with third parties, unless it is necessary to do so to fulfil previously entered into agreements or statutory obligations.

You are entitled to access, correct and delete the personal data stored by Kanari. See the separate section at the bottom of this page.


How do we collect personal data?

As a visitor to our website, you are at liberty either to disclose personal data in connection with our services or not. The legal basis for processing personal data is normally your individual consent. However, it may also be that you contact us via a form on the website. In such cases, you consent to your personal data being processed when you submit your form to us.

Kanari also collects and processes personal data to fulfil agreements with clients, suppliers and partners. This is regulated by means of written agreements between the parties.

Kanari may use your personal data to notify you about relevant product and service offerings as well as events that we believe may be of interest to you.


How do we protect your personal data?

Kodeks runs our website kanari.com, and is therefore the data processor. Data collected in connection with operation of the website is stored in separate servers operated by the service provider. Only Kanari, the website developer and Apeland have access to the data collected. Which data Kanari and the developers have access to and how it is to be processed is regulated by the terms of the agreement with Kodeks.

Kanari will, by means of security measures in its IT structure, ensure the best possible information security with respect to the processing of personal data.


How long do we store personal data?

Kanari stores personal data no longer than is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it is being processed or the period for which there is a legal requirement to do so.


Online statistics

This website uses cookies. Kanari collects anonymised data about its visitors to generate statistics that we use to improve and further enhance the website, and for marketing purposes.


Sharing online posts

When you share posts, data is uploaded there and then to the online community you choose. How the online community concerned then processes the data is regulated by your agreement with the online community. We do not store data indicating that you have shared a post.



By entering your email address in our subscription form and clicking on “Subscribe”, you consent to receiving email newsletters from us. You may, at any time, unsubscribe by clicking on the link at the bottom of the email message you receive or by clicking here.


Only your email address, name and country are processed, and your data will be kept for as long as you wish to continue receiving alerts or newsletters. You choose which name, country and email address you wish to disclose. If you unsubscribe or withdraw your consent to receive alerts or newsletters, your email address will immediately be deleted. Your email address will not be shared with any third party. The data controller is Kanari, and Drip Global is the data processor for the newsletter. Your email address, name and country are stored in Drip Global’s database.


Personal data are processed on the basis of an agreement with you to send you alerts and newsletters, see Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR.



Your rights

Pursuant to section 18(1) of the Norwegian Personal Data Act, everyone has the right to request basic information about the processing of personal data by a organisation. Kanari provides this information in this privacy policy. As someone registered in one of Kanari’s systems, you are entitled to access information about yourself upon request. You are also entitled to ask for data to be deleted or that incorrect data be rectified. Such requests are answered without charge and within no more than 30 days, normally by post.



Kanari is the data controller for the personal data collected and processed in connection with the operation and maintenance of the website kanari.com.


Cookies are small text files that are created by the websites you visit and stored locally on your hard disk. You can withdraw your consent to cookies at any time, but this may prevent the website from working optimally and can lead to an impaired user experience. Adjust the settings in your web browser if you do not wish to accept cookies. By continuing to use kanari.com, you accept the company’s use of cookies.


Kanari.com uses cookies for three purposes:


Web analysis: We collect data about user behaviour, such as reading time, traffic source, uploading time and movement within the site. The objective is to produce reports and improve the site’s user experience.

Marketing and sales: We use cookies to measure the results of our marketing activities. Cookies are also used to target adverts at users who have previously visited our site. Your behaviour on the site, such as clicks, the time you spend on the site and the content you consume, may also be used for marketing and sales purposes.


Improved user experience: For example, the use of cookies prevents you being asked to subscribe to our newsletter every time you visit the site.


We use the following cookies:

  • Google Analytics
  • LinkedIn
  • Drip Global
  • Facebook



Cookie Supplier Purpose Expires after
_ga Google To distinguish between users. ID cannot be traced back to the user. 2 years
_gid Google To distinguish between users. ID cannot be traced back to the user. 1 day
_gat Google To limit the number queries to the website. 1 minute


Cookie Supplier Purpose Expires after
L1c LinkedIn To link the user to a LinkedIn profile. 90 days
Cookie Supplier Purpose Expires after
_dcq Drip Global To link the user to a user profile in Drip. 90 days