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    Full operational insight

    Millions of factors determine whether your systems function optimally. As time goes by, more and more challenges arise. Rapid growth of both complexity and the number of applications deployed by large enterprises, combined with a long period of high software spending, have created IT ecosystems with a patchwork of legacy software and new solutions.

    Should I stay or should I go?

    Continuous improvement and delivery speed requirements increase the risk of errors. For customers, a slow loading time can be a real deal-breaker. It may cause them to give up and take their business elsewhere. Patience is in short supply these days.

    Some companies experience errors they want to have fixed. Some suspect errors will occur at some point and want to prevent them from happening, while others want to make sure everything works perfectly when entering new markets or business areas.

    «I used to be blind, but now I can see!” 

    Anders Lundin, Senior Analyst at Kanari

    Enter Kanari

    We combine market-leading software systems to help you identify, understand, and resolve application issues before they affect users. You gain full operational insight, with no manual configuration. You get the benefit of continuous automatic detection to minimize operating costs. And you will receive detailed information on performance issues before they affect your customers.

    We combine these high-end tools with expertise and experience from numerous enterprises. This ideal combination is used to customize solutions that meet your needs and make your business perform better, faster and flawlessly. We have the tools and know how to use them.

    One common goal

    In many cases, system owners, suppliers, consultants and users all have different views about problems and how to resolve them. Instead of playing the blame game, we go ahead and pinpoint the problem. We are independent and impartial and here to make your system perform better.

    Large amounts of data are gathered and analyzed. With in-depth knowledge, all this technical information is transformed into business information. How can we perform better? Are we losing money, and if so, where? How can we make adjustments to grow our business?

    At the end of the day, your business is our business.

    Get in touch

    Would you like to know how Kanari can increase the value of your IT systems?
    Send us an e-mail or fill in the form below and we will get in touch.