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    Here are our latest news:

    Kanari Group and Tietoevry Strengthen Partnership to Enhance Observability Solutions

    Kanari Group, a leading provider of observability and monitoring solutions, is pleased to announce the extension of its successful partnership with Tietoevry for another three years. This collaboration, now in its 9th year, continues to drive significant value for over 250 customers through more than 700 application service deliveries.

    Becoming future-oriented with Tietoevry

    Together with Tietoevry, we have worked on several large customer projects related to observability and digital employee experience. 

    Kanari and ip-label team up in a new partnership

    ip-label and Kanari have partnered to deliver synthetic monitoring for internal applications across the Nordic region.

    AIOps necessary for high-quality service delivery

    “For many businesses, the use of artificial intelligence (AIOps) has become a key factor in securing a good customer experience,” says Kanari’s COO Morten Hjalland.